
Andrea Čapková

I have studied law school, but while studying I have already travelled and spent one year in Canada and one year in Dublin - working as a waitress. I have always been working with companies doing online work which allowed me to work remotely. In 2017 I have established my first company: we were designing bags and handbags and we were selling it online According to our online experiences in sales we started to run company Xistudio, which helps to people build their online business (creating e-shops, websites, social media, creating content, doing graphic job + consulting and brand building). A couple of years ago, after my visit to China, I also started working with a buyer in China and broker the import of goods from China to Europe As another example, after visiting Costa Rica I started selling their local coffee on the Czech market

And last year I was lucky enough to participate in the organization of the biggest bitcoin event BTC Prague, which was an honor for me, however, due to my other activities, my time capacity did not allow me to continue. The guys are amazing and I'm crossing my fingers with this year. But as I watch it all from afar, this year's event will be all the more meaningful and over the top. All these experiences have given me a lot of experience and the fact that you can work from anywhere if you want to make it work. I am still learning and building my projects to be more than successful and be able to allow more people like me to be a part of projects and be able to afford to work from anywhere.

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